Yonsei School of Business

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  • Yoon, Dae-Hee
  • Division   Accounting
    Ph.D. Yale University
  • Lab   Business Hall #541
  • Contact   02-2123-6579
  • Email   dae-hee.yoon@yonsei.ac.kr


Yale University, PhD, 2008
Yonsei University, MBA, 1999
Yonsei University, BBA, 1997


Professor of Accounting, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2018.9-Present
Associate Professor of Accounting, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2013.9-2018.8
Assistant Professor of Accounting, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2010.9-2013.8
Assistant Professor of Accounting, CUNY-Baruch College, 2008.9-2010.8
Visiting Scholar, CUNY-Baruch College, 2022.9-2023.8

Samil PwC Distinguished Professorship, 2020.7-2023.6
Yonsei Univesity, School of Business, YSB Research Chair Professorship, 2020-Present
Yonsei Univesity, School of Business, YSB Research Fellow, 2014-2016

Consultant, PwC Consulting, 2002
Analyst, Korea Investors Service, 2000-2001
CPA, Arthur Andersen, Seoul Office (Anjin & Co.), 1997-2000


Management Accounting
Financial Accounting


Information Economics
Executive Compensation 
Supply Chain Contracting


Inventory Planning and Tax Incentives for Charitable Giving (with Anil Arya, Tyler Atanasov, and Brian Mittendorf), Review of Accounting Studies, Forthcoming

Information Disclosure Policy and Its Implications: Ratcheting in Supply Chains (with Brian Mittendorf and Jiwoong Shin), Journal of Marketing Research 59 (2022), 8506-8514.

The Impact of Uniform Pricing Regulations on Incentives to Generate and Disclose Accounting Information (with Anil Arya and Brian Mittendorf), Management Science 67 (2021), 1975-1992.

Public Disclosures in the Presence of Suppliers and Competitors (with Anil Arya and Brian Mittendorf), Contemporary Accounting Research 36 (2019), 758-772.

Strategic Delegation, Stock Options, and Investment Hold-Up Problems, Accounting, Organizations, and Society 71(2018), 1-14.

Supplier Encroachment and Investment Spillovers, Production and Operations Management 25 (2016), 1839-1854.

Revisiting the Make-or-Buy Decision: Conveying Information by Outsourcing to Rivals (with Anil Arya and Brian Mittendorf), The Accounting Review 89 (2014), 61-78.

Manufacturer Marketing Initiatives and Retailer Information Sharing (with Brian Mittendorf and Jiwoong Shin), Quantitative Marketing and Economics 11 (2013), 263-287. 

When to Fire Customers? Customer Cost Based Pricing (with Jiwoong Shin and K. Sudhir), Management Science 58 (2012), 932-947.

Friction in Related Party Trade when a Rival is also a Customer (with Anil Arya and Brian Mittendorf), Management Science 54 (2008), 1850-1860.

Working Papers:
-Using Buyout Options to Screen Employees for Fit
-Risk Sharing Benefits of Mandatory Auditor Rotation
-Relative Performance Evaluation and Corporate Discretionary Disclosure


* Editorial Board Member: Journal of Management Accounting Research (January 2016-Present )
* Management Accounting Section Notable Contributions to Management Accounting Literature Award Committee, 2015-2016
* Referee for: The Accounting Review, Management Science, Accounting, Organizations, and SocietyJournal of Management Accounting Research, Production and Operations Management, Economica, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, AAA Annual Meeting (Management Accounting Section, Auditing Section), AAA Management Accounting Section Meeting

* Teaching Excellence Award (Undergraduate), Yonsei University, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
* Teaching Excellence Award (MBA), Yonsei Business School, 2021, 2019, 2018
* Teaching Excellence Award (Undergraduate), Yonsei Business School, 2023, 2017
* Yonsei Research Award (Social Science), Yonsei University, 2015
* Teaching Excellence Award (Graduate), Yonsei Business School, 2012
* Research award from the Milstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance, 2007-2008
* AAA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2006
* Whitebox Advisors Doctoral Research Grant: Experimental Research, 2004-2005


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