Yonsei School of Business

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  • Kim, Jin Woo
  • Division   Management Science (MS)
    Ph.D Carnegie Mellon University
  • Lab   Business Hall #502
  • Contact   02-2123-2528
  • Email   jinwoo@yonsei.ac.kr


1993 Ph.D Carnegie Mellon University
1991 M.S. Carnegie Mellon University
1988 M.S. University of California at Los Angeles, Business
1986 B.A. Yonsei University, Business


General Conference Co-Chair, ACM SIGCHI 2015
President of Korean HCI Society, 2012-2014
Vice President of Library and Information Services, 2012-2014
Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2003-present
Visiting Scholar, MIT Sloan School of Management, 2010-2011
Visiting Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, University of California, 2002-2003
Associate Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 1998-2003
Assistant Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 1994-1998
Research Scientist, Carnegie Mellon University, 1993-1994
System Consultant, KPMG, Peat Marwick, 1988-1989


Human-Computer Interaction
Creative Innovation New Product Development
Service Design


Co-experience Collective psychological owneership
Co-creation Pro-social behavior



Bae, S., J., Jang, Kim, J. (2013). Good Samaritans on Social Network Services, Effects of Shared Context Information on Social Supports for Strangers, to be appeared in International Journal of Human Computer Studies.

Lee, H., Park, J., Kim, J. (2013). Why do people share their context information on Social Network Services? : A field study and an experimental study on users' behavior of balancing perceived benefit and risk, to be appeared in International Journal of Human Computer Studies.

Choi, J., Kim, S., Kim, J., Lee, I., Kim, J. (2012). Qualitative Cross-Cultural Study on the Expression and Perception of Digital Images: Focusing on Cultural Schema, International Journal of Contents, 8 (4), 74-87.

Bae, S., Lee, H., Park, H., Cho, H., Park, J., Kim, J. (2012) The effects of egocentric and allocentric representations on presence and perceived realism: Tested in stereoscopic 3D games 2)., Interacting with Computers, 24 (4), 251-264, July 2012.

Choi, H., Im, K., Kim, J. (2012). A comparative study of the motivational orientation type on users’ behavior: focusing on ubiquitous computing services, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Online First, 31, May 2012.

Kim, J., Choi, Y., Park, S. (2012). E-impression dimensions: A multi-phase research on the development of parsimonious measurements for online impression within blog domains, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Online First, 15, March 2012.

Lim, S., Cha, S., Park, C., Lee, I., Kim, J. (2012). Getting closer and experiencing together: Antecedents and consequences of psychological distance in social media-enhanced real-time streaming video. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, (4), 1365-1378.

Choi, H., Kim, Y., Kim, J. (2011). Driving factors of post adoption behavior in mobile data services, Journal of Business Research, 64, 2011, 1212-1217.

Lim, S., Cha, S., Park, C., Lee, I., Kim, J. (2011). Idioculture in crowd computing: A focus on group interaction in an event-driven social media system, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69, 632-646.

Ji, Y., Choi, J., Lee, J., Han, K., Kim, J., Lee, I. (2010). Older Adults in an Aging Society and Social Computing: A Research Agenda. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 26 (11-12), 1122-1146.

Choi, H., Kim, Y., Kim, J. (2010). An acceptance model for an Internet protocol television service in Korea with prior experience as a moderator, The Service Industries Journal, 30 (11), 1883-1901.

Lee, I., Kim, J., Choi, B., Hong, S. (2010). Metrics for cultural characteristics of mobile Internet users, Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1355-1368.

Kim, H., Choi, H., Kim, J. (2010). Comparative Study of the Impacts of Low and High Uncertainty Avoidance on Continuance Behavior, Journal of Global Information Management, 18 (2), 1-29.

Kim, S., Lee, I., Lee, K., Jung, S., Park, J., Kim, Y., Kim, S., and Kim, J. (2010). Mobile Web 2.0 with Multi-Display Buttons, Communications of the ACM, 53 (1), 136-141.

Jang, S., Yoon, Y., Lee, I., and Kim, J. (2009). Design-oriented new product development: LG Electronics’ Chocolate Phone illustrates what it takes to be successful, Research . Technology Management, 52 (2), 36-46.

Kim, H., Lee, I., and Kim, J. (2008). Maintaining continuers vs. converting discontinuers: relative importance of post-adoption factors for mobile data service, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 6 (1), 108-132.

Choi, H., Kim, J., Lee, M., Giaglis, G., Naruse, K., Constantiou, I., Fife, E., Mayhew, G. 2007. Contribution to Quality of Life: Cross-National Validation of New Metrics for Mobile Data Service Technology in Korea and Japan. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 4 (2): 191-208.

Choi, B., Lee, I, Choi, D., and Kim, J. 2007. Collaborate and Share: An Experimental Study of the Effects of Task and Reward Interdependencies in Online Games. Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 10 (4): 591-595.

Lee, I., Choi, B., Kim, J., and Hong, S. 2007. Culture-Technology Fit: Effects of Cultural Characteristics on the Post-Adoption Beliefs of Mobile Internet Users. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 11 (4): 11-51.

Kim, J., Kim, H., and Park, H. 2006. Towards Optimal Navigation Through Video Content on Interactive TV. Interacting with Computers, 18: 723-746.

Choi, B., Lee, I., Kim, J. 2006. Culturability in Mobile Data Services: A Qualitative Study of the Relationship Between Cultural Characteristics and User-Experience Attributes. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 20 (3): 171-206.

Park, S., Choe, D., Kim, J. 2005. Visualizing E-Brand Personality: Exploratory Studies on Visual Attributes and E-Brand Personalities in Korea. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 19(1): 7-34.

Kim, H., Kim, J., Lee, Y. 2005. An Empirical Study of Use Contexts in the Mobile Internet. Focusing on the Usability of Information Architecture. Information Systems Frontiers, 7 (2): 175-186.

Lee, I., Kim, J., Kim, J. 2005. Use Contexts for the Mobile Internet: A Longitudinal Study Monitoring Actual Use of Mobile Internet Services. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 18 (3): 269-292.

Chae, M., and Kim, J. 2004. Do size and structure matter to mobile users? An empirical study of the effects of screen size, information structure, and task complexity on user activities with standard web phones. Behaviour and Information Technology, 23 (3): 165-181.

Choi, D. and Kim, J. 2004. Why People Continue to Play Online Games: In Search of Critical Design Factors to Increase Customer Loyalty to Online Contents. Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 7 (1): 11-24.

Kim, J., Lee, J., and Choi, D. 2003. Designing emotionally evocative homepages: an empirical study of the quantitative relations between design factors and emotional dimensions. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 59 (6): 899-940.

Choe, H., Choe, M., Kim, J., Yu, H. 2003. An empirical study on the adoption of information appliance with a focus on interactive TV. Telematics and Informatics, 20 (2): 161-183.

Lee, Y., and Kim, J. 2002. From design features to financial performance: A comprehensive model of design principles for online stock trading sites. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 3 (3): 128-143.

DOMESTIC JOURNALS Lee, I., Lee, Y., Kim, J., and Hong, S. 2007. A Cross-National Study on Mobile Internet Value Structures. Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management, 14(3): 15-48.

Lee, K., Jung, S., Kim, H., Lee, I., and Kim, J. 2007. Interruption in Digital Convergence: Focused on Multi-Modality and Multi-Tasking. Journal of Ergonomics Society of Korea, 26 (3): 67-80.

Lee, I., Choi, B., Kim, J., Lee, K., and Jung., S. 2007. Developing and Applying a New Methodology for Value-Centered HCI: Focusing on User Experience Structure of Mobile Data Service. Journal of the HCI Society of Korea, 2(1): 13-24.

Lee, S., and Kim, J. 2007. An Experimental Study on the Impacts of Luminance Contrast Upon Readability in VDT Environments. Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, 26 (2): 21-33.

Jang, S., Ryu, S., and Kim, J. 2007. The Key Success Factors of Design-oriented New Product Development Strategy: A Case Study of Chocolate-Phone. Journal of Management Science, 24 (1): 1-24.

Kim, J., Jeon, S., and Jang, Y. 2006. A Qualitative Research on the Structure and Determinants of Personal Device Network in the Ubiquitous Computing Context. Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management, 13 (3): 1-28.

Choi, H., and Kim, J. 2006. An Empirical Study of the Effect of Uncertainty Avoidance on Post-Adoption Behavior: Focusing on Mobile Internet Services. The Journal of MIS Research, 16 (3): 95-115.

Choi, M., Choi, H., Kim, Y., and Kim, J. 2005. An Empirical Study on Post-adoption Behavior of Mobile Internet Service with a Focus on Comparison between Services. Korean Journal of Marketing, 20 (1): 1-27.

Hong, S., and Kim, J. 2003. A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework of Web Sites as Living Places in Cyber Space. The Journal of MIS Research, 13 (4): 1-27.

Kim, H., Kim, J., Park, K., and Park, J. 2003. An Empirical Study of Temporal Navigation System for Time-based Contents: Focused on Digital TV Systems. Journal of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, 30 (10): 944-954.

Kim, J., and Kim, J. 2003. A Comparative Study on the Mobile vs. Stationary Internet as a Survey Tool. The Journal of MIS Research, 20 (1): 37-49.


The Holland Award, the best paper published in Research-Technology Management during the past year (2009). Design-Oriented New Product Development,” published in the March- April 2009 issue of RTM, has been selected to receive the 2010 Maurice Holland Award
Associate Dean, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2007-present
Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University, 2007, 2005
Editor, The Korea Society for Innovation Management and Economics, 2006-present
Editor, The Korea Society of Management Information Systems, 2006-present
Best Paper Award, 16th Korean Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2007
Best Paper Award, The Fall Conference of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society, 2006
Best Paper Award, 2004 Korean Conference on Management Information Systems, 2004
AMCIS HCI Track Best Paper, AMCIS, New York, 2004


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