2011 Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, PhD in Strategy (Business Administration)
2006 London School of Economics and Political Science, MS in Organisational and Social Psychology
2005 Seoul National University, MS in International Business/Strategy
2002 Seoul National University, BS in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Professor, Yonsei University School of Business, 2024.3 -
Visiting Associate Professor, Cornell University, 2022
Associate Professor, Yonsei University School of Business, 2019-2024
Assistant Professor, Yonsei University School of Business, 2016-2019
Assistant Professor, Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, 2011-2016
Strategic Management, Organizational Theory
Status and Identity, Category, Diffusion, Middle Status
Kim, B.*, Shin, D.* and Rhee, M (*equal contribution). “Epitomizing an emerging category: Effects of entrepreneurial firms and influential stakeholders on the entrepreneurial firms’ status attainment.” Strategic Organization, forthcoming.
Kim, C., Kim, Y., Rhee, M., and Kim, B* (*corresponding author). “Pathways to exploration in higher education: Status and institutional logic in public and private higher education institutions,” Higher Education, forthcoming.
Kwon, Y. and Kim, B* (*corresponding author). “When we unite, not divide: Status homophily, group average status, and group performance in the Korean films.” Asian Business & Management, 23:9-31.
Choi, J. S., Hong, S., Na, J., and Kim, B* (*corresponding author). 2023. Asymmetric effects of holding power versus status: Implications for motivation and group dynamics. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, forthcoming.
Kim, H. and Kim, B (equal contribution). 2022. "To be in Vogue: How mere proximity to high-status neighbors affects aspirational pricing in the U.S. fashion industry." Strategic Management Journal, 43(6): 1208-1230.
Kim, B. 2020. "Normative uncertainty and middle-status innovation in the U.S. daily newspaper industry." Strategic Organization, 18(3):377-406.
Jensen, M. and Kim, B. 2014. “Great, Madama Butterfly again! How robust market identity shapes opera repertoires.” Organization Science, 25(1):109-126.
Kim, B. and Jensen, M. 2011. “How product order affects market identity: Repertoire ordering in the U.S. opera market.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 56(2):238-256.
(an earlier version of this paper appeared in Academy of Management Annual Meetings Best Papers Proceedings, 2009)
Jensen, M., Kim, H., and Kim, B. 2012. Meeting expectations: A role-theoretic perspective on reputation in The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Reputation, edited by Michael L. Barnett and Timothy G. Pollock, Oxford University Press
Jensen, M., Kim, B., and Kim, H. 2011. The importance of status in markets: A market identity perspective in Status in Management and Organizations, edited by Jone L. Pearce, Cambridge University Press
Editorial Board Member, Strategic Organization (2024- )
Outstanding Teaching Award, Yonsei University, 2017
Teaching Award, Yonsei Business School, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Finalist, 2012 Award for Outstanding Dissertation Research in Business Policy and Strategy (Academy of Management)
Finalist, 2012 Technology and Innovation Management Best Dissertation Award
(Academy of Management)
Samsung Scholarship for PhD program, Samsung Foundation of Culture (2006-2010)
Samsung Scholarship for master program, Samsung Foundation of Culture (2005-2006)