Yonsei School of Business

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Attended AAPBS Virtual Conferenceˇ¦Presenting the direction of business education
Date: 2021-02-22  |  Read: 7,837

Yonsei University School of Business participated in the November meeting of the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) and joined a ZOOM conference November 25-26 on the theme of “Disruption, Impact, and Sustainability.”


Participants in the online conference emphasized that although the coronavirus has changed everyone’s daily life and caused widespread turbulence in industry, economies, and the current global outlook, the member schools must pursue sustainability through cooperation and maintain their global citizenship. The conference was highly meaningful in reinforcing in a turbulent time the need to remain committed to the schools’ goals in business education and talent development.


The association serves as a collaborative forum for Asia-Pacific business schools to improve research and education quality of business schools in the region, with more than 130 universities and institutions currently participating as members. As a founding member, YSB is also a member of the association’s council, which only allows two universities of each member country to join and is currently consisted of 22 universities around the world.


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