2000 ¹Ú»ç University of South Carolina (MIS)
1995 ¹Ú»ç Yonsei University (Accounting)
1988 ¼®»ç Yonsei University (Accounting)
1986 Çлç Yonsei University (Business)
ODI-ISÀü°ø Äڵ𱳼ö, °æ¿µ´ëÇÐ, 2019. 3 -
°´¿ø±³¼ö, Business School at University of Colorado at Denver, 2018. 3 - 2019. 2
ODIºÐ¾ß ÁÖÀÓ±³¼ö, °æ¿µ´ëÇÐ, 2017. 3 - 2018. 2
±³ÇкÎÇÐÀå, °æ¿µ´ëÇÐ, 2012. 12 - 2015. 2
ºÎ¿øÀå, »ó³²°æ¿µ¿ø, 2012. 9 - 2013. 2
Á¤±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³, 2012-ÇöÀç
°´¿ø±³¼ö, Goizueta Business School at Emory University, 2011. 3 - 2012. 2
ºÎ±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³, 2007-2012
Á¶±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³, 2003-2007
Á¶±³¼ö, University of Colorado at Denver, 2000-2003
°´¿ø Á¶±³¼ö, University of California, Riverside, 1999-2000
FinTech¿Í ¹Ì·¡ÀÇ ÀºÇà
Business Analytics for Executives
Digital Transformation
Project Management
°æ¿µÇÁ·ÎÁ§Æ®(Business Project)
Á¤º¸½Ã½ºÅÛ¿¬±¸¹æ¹ý·Ð (MS/Ph.D.)
µ¥ÀÌŸº£À̽º °ü¸®
Organizational Effectiveness of Information Technology
IT Management
IT and Social Network
IT and Digital Innovation
IT and Individual Impacts
ÁÖ¿ä ¿¬±¸ ³í¹® ¹× Àú¼
26. Sultana, Rabeya, Im, Il, and Im, Kun Shin. 2019. Do IT freelancers increase their entrepreneurial behavior and performance by using IT self-efficacy and social capital? Evidence from Bangladesh. Information & Management, 56(6): 1-13.
25. Jo, Huiseng and Im, K. S. 2016. Effects of mobile app updates on mobile app rankings: Free apps in the app store. Information Systems Review, 18: 125-140.
24. Kim, Hyeon Jeong, Lee, C. C., Yun, H., and Im, K. S. 2015. An examination of work exhaustion in the mobile enterprise environment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 100: 255-266.
23. Im, Kun Shin, Grover, Varun, and Teng, James T. C. 2013. Do large firms become smaller by using information technology? Information Systems Research 24(2): 470-491.
22. Kim, Chy Heon, Kim, Joon S., and Im, K. S. 2012. A resource-based perspective on three IT resources and their relationships in IT outsourcing. Information Systems Review 14(3): 53-74.
21. Min, S. H., Overby, J. W., and Im, K. S. 2012. Relationships between desired attributes, consequences and purchase frequency. Journal of Consumer Marketing 29(6): 423-435.
20. Choi, Hun, Im, Kun Shin, and Kim, Jinwoo. 2012. A comparative study of the motivational orientation type on users' behavior: focusing on ubiquitous computing services. Multimedia Tools and Applications: 1-16.
19. Han, Kunsoo, Oh, Wonseok, Im, Kun Shin, Chang, Ray, Oh, Hyelim, and Pinsonneault, Alain. 2012. Value Co-Creation and Wealth Spillover in Open Innovation Alliances. MIS Quarterly 36(1): 291-315.
18. Kim, N., Im, K. S., and Ulgado, F. 2011. Cross-cultural differences in justice perceptions for service recovery. Journal of Korean Marketing Association 26(1): 73-98.
17. Park, Joo Yeon, Im, Kun Shin, and Kim, Joon S. 2011. The Role of IT Human Capability in the Knowledge Transfer Process in IT Outsourcing Context. Information & Management 48(1): 53-61.
16. Shim, Sang Min, Suh, Kil-Soo, and Im, Kun Shin. 2010. The Impacts of Media Symbol Variety on Performance in Virtual Teams. Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management 17(3): 83-97.
15. Cha, J. Y. and Im, Kun Shin. 2009. The Effects of Virtual Reality Advertisement on Consumer’s Intention to Purchase: Focused on Rational and Emotional Responses. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 19(4): 101-124.
14. Suh, Kil-Soo, Im, Kun Shin, Shim, Sang Min, and Seo, Eung Kyo. 2009. Revisiting Group Polarization and Computer-Mediated Communication: Effects of Anonymity. Yonsei Business Review 46(2): 195-215.
13. Yoon, Yongki and Im, Kun Shin. 2008. Evaluating IT Outsourcing Customer Satisfaction and its Impact on Firm Performance in Korea. International Journal of Technology Management 43(1/2/3): 160-175.
12. Choi, Hun, Kim, Jinwoo, and Im, Kun Shin. 2008. The Empirical Study on the Moderating Effects of Masculinity/Femininity on the Use of Mobile Internet Services: Comparison of Korean and Japanese Users. Korean Academy of International Business Journal 19 (1): 79-107.
11. Choi, H., Lee, M., Im, Kun Shin, and Kim, J. 2007. Contribution to Quality of Life: A New Outcome Variable for Mobile Data Service. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 8 (12): 598-618.
10. Lee, Jeung Hun and Im, Kun Shin. 2007. An Empirical Study on the Impacts of CIO Skills on IS Capabilities. Yonsei Business Review 44(2): 129-161.
9. Jung, Seung-Min, Kim, Joon S., and Im, Kun Shin Im. 2007. The Impacts of IT Infrastructure Flexibility on New Product Competitive Advantages. Journal of MIS Research 17 (2): 1-28.
8. Park, Joo-Yeon, Kim, Joon S., and Im, Kun Shin. 2006. The Effects of IT Human Capability on Knowledge Transfer in Information Systems Outsourcing. Journal of MIS Research 16 (2): 87-110.
7. Yoon, Yongki and Im, Kun Shin. 2005. An Evaluation System for IT Outsourcing Customer Satisfaction Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Global Information Management 13 (4): 53-75.
6. Park, Choong Shin, Kim, Joon S., and Im, Kun Shin. 2005. The Impact of Comprehensive Decision-Making of Information Technology Investment on Firm Performance. Journal of MIS Research 15 (3): 163-186.
5. Kim, Gi Moon, Park, Choong Shin, Kim, Joon S., Lee, Ho Geun, and Im, Kun Shin. 2005. An Empirical Study on Research Diversity in “Journal of MIS Research. Journal of MIS Research 15(2): 149-170.
4. Lee, Jae Ik, and Im, Kun Shin. 2005. An Empirical Study on the Determinant Factors of Intended Use of Real-Estate Direct Transaction Websites. Yonsei Business Review 42(2): 117-148.
3. Yi, Mun Y. and Im, Kun Shin. 2004. Predicting Computer Task Performance: Personal Goal and Self-Efficacy. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing 16 (2): 20-37.
2. Im, K. S., Dow, K. and Grover, V. 2001. A Reexamination of IT Investment and the Market Value of the Firm: An Event Study Methodology. Information Systems Research, 12 (1): 103-117.
1. Im, K. S. and Grover, V. 1998. A Case for Client/Server Computing in Contemporary Organizations. Journal of Information Technology Management, 9 (2): 1-12.
ÁÖ¿ä ÇмúÈ°µ¿ ¹× ¼ö»ó
Marguis Who's Who in the World, 2018, 2019, 2020
Member of Steering Committee, Korean Association of Business Education Accreditation (KABEA), 2017-present
Research Fellow Professor Award, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2014-2016
Choheon Research Excellence Award, Yonsei School of Business Alumni Association, 2013
Oustanding Teaching Award, Yonsei Universtiy, 2008
Oustanding Teaching Award, School of Business Yonsei University, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2014, 2017
Executive Secretary, Korea Chapter for AIS, 2007-2008
Member, Korea Society of Management Information Systems, 2003-present
Member, Korean Academy Society of Business Administration, 2003-present
Member, Association for Information Systems, 2000-present