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Ph.D. University of Maryland - ¿¬±¸½Ç °æ¿µ°ü 533
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- À̸ÞÀÏ swlee@yonsei.ac.kr
Ph.D. in Marketing (Minor in Economics), 2017, University of Maryland.
M.S. in Operations Research, 2010, Columbia University.
B.E. in Industrial Engineering, 2008, Korea University.
Assistant Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University (2024—Present)
Assistant Professor of Marketing, A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University (2017—2024)
Visiting Assistant Professor of Marketing, A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University (2016—2017)
Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy, Mobile App Marketing
Quantitative Marketing Models, Mobile Appplications and Platforms, Product Versioning and Upgrading, Crowdfunding, TV Advertising, Loyalty Programs
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International Journals
- Shi, Savannah, Seoungwoo Lee, Kirthi Kalyanam, and Michel Wedel (2024), “The Impact of App Crashes on Consumer Engagement.” Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming.
- Lee, Seoungwoo, Jie Zhang, and Michel Wedel (2021),“Managing the Versioning Decision over an App’s Lifetime.”Journal of Marketing, 85 (6), p. 44-62.
Korean Journals
- Kim, Youngju and Seoungwoo Lee (2024), “Performance vs. Purpose Appeals: The Role of Persuasive Messages in Consumer Choice of Sustainable Packaging.” Journal of Marketing Management Research. 29(4), p. 45-60.
Book Chapters
- Rust, Roland, James Kim, Yue Dong, Tom Kim, and Seoungwoo Lee (2015), “Drivers of Customer Equity” in The Handbook of Customer Equity: Mastering the Art and Science of Customer Management, V. Kumar and Denish Shah, Eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, MA.
Working Papers
- The Impact of Mobile App Upgrades across App Versions (with Jie Zhang and Michel Wedel)
- Platform Openness and Crowdfunding Creator Economy (with Zack Bhan, Hyoryung Nam, and Joon Ro)
- Heterogeneous Impact of App Coupons (with Miyeon Jung, ShinY Ahn, and Daegon Cho)
- Attention Decay in Connected and Linear TV Advertisements (with Zack Bhan and Kalyan Rallabandi)
- When Cents-off Discounts are Replaced by Reward Point Promotions (with Jie Zhang and Els Breugelmans)
Honors and Awards
- Best Teaching Award, School of Business, Yonsei University, Spring 2024
- NTC Faculty International Students’ Champion Award, Newcomb-Tulane College, Tulane University, 2023
- Winner, JAR-TVision Data Release and Call for Ideas, Journal of Advertising Research, 2023
- ISMS Early Career Scholar, Duke University, 2022
- Professors Institute Invitee, Cox Brierley Institute, Southern Methodist University, 2020
Invited Talks
- Korea University Business School, Seoul, South Korea, 2023, 2024
- Doshisha Business School, Kyoto, Japan, 2024.
- KAIST Business School, Seoul, South Korea, 2024.
- University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 2023.
- Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2022.
- Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, USA, 2022.
- KAS Global Colloquium, Gangneung, Korea, 2021.
- Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, 2020.
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2015.
- Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2015.
- University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, USA, 2015.
- Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2015.
- Imperial College London, London, The United Kingdom, 2015.
- Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 2015.
- University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, USA, 2015.
- China Europe International Business School, Shanghai, China, 2015.
- Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2015.
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2015.
- University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2015.
- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 2015.