Ph.D. Cornell University (¹Ú»ç, ÄÚ³Ú´ëÇб³)
M.S. Cornell University (¼®»ç, ÄÚ³Ú´ëÇб³)
B.A. Yonsei University (Çлç, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³)
Founding Dean, College of Business and Management, VinUniversity, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2020.7-2022,8 (ºó´ëÇÐ °æ¿µ´ëÇÐ ÃÊ´ëÇÐÀå)
Head of ODI Department, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2018,3-2019,2 (ODIºÐ¾ß ÁÖÀÓ±³¼ö)
Vice Dean, Office of International Affairs, Yonsei University, 2014.3-2016.2 (±¹Á¦Ã³ ºÎóÀå)
Professor in Charge, Academic Programs, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2012.12-2014.2 (¼®¹Ú»ç°úÁ¤ ÁÖÀÓ±³¼ö)
Associate Dean (Interntional Affairs), School of Business, Yonsei University, 2009.3-2010.2 (ºÎÇÐÀå, ±¹Á¦´ã´ç)
Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2013-Present (Á¤±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ °æ¿µÇаú)
Associate Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2008-2012 (ºÎ±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ °æ¿µÇаú)
Assistant Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2005-2008 (Á¶±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ °æ¿µÇаú)
Visiting Assistant Professor, ESSEC Business School, 2003-2006 (¹æ¹®Á¶±³¼ö, ÇÁ¶û½º ¿¡¼½°æ¿µ´ëÇÐ)
Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University, 2002-2004 (Á¶±³¼ö, Ææ½Çº£´Ï¾Æ ÁÖ¸³´ëÇÐ)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Cornell University, 2001-2002 (¹æ¹®Á¶±³¼ö, ÄÚ³Ú´ëÇб³)
Priceline.com, Director of Revenue Management, 1999-2000 (¼öÀÍ°ü¸® ºÎÀå, ¹Ì±¹ ÇÁ¶óÀ̽º¶óÀδåÄÄ)
Reservations Manager, Hyatt Regency Suites Perimeter Northwest, 1996-1997 (¿¹¾à°ü¸® °úÀå, ¹Ì±¹ ÇϾæƮȣÅÚ)
Assistant General Manager, Hampton Inn, Greenville, SC, USA, 1995-1996 (ºÎÃÑÁö¹èÀÎ, ¹Ì±¹ ÇÜÇÁÅÏÀÎ)
Production & operations management (»ý»ê°ú¿î¿µ°ü¸®)
Service management (¼ºñ½º°æ¿µ)
Revenue management (¼öÀͰ濵)
Service operations management (¼ºñ½º¿î¿µ°ü¸®)
Revenue management (¼öÀͰ濵)
ÁÖ¿ä ¿¬±¸ ³í¹® ¹× Àú¼
Kim, Jiyoung, Sunmee Choi, and Drew Martin. 2020. The effect of a customer’s perceived customer-to-customer interaction quality on the customer’s perceived service quality, Journal of Services Marketing, 34(4): 459-472.
Kang, Jooyoung, Sunmee Choi, Sooyun Kim, and Heejin Kim. 2019. The Role of Social Distance in the Collaborative Consumption, Korean Journal of Service Management, 20(4): 41-72.
Kim, Sooyun, and Sunmee Choi. 2019. Designing a customer message for compliance in the B2C sharing service context, Korean Production Management Research Journal. 30(3): 193-213.
Aksoy, Lerzan, Linda Alkire (née Nasr), Sunmee Choi, Peter Kim, and Lu Zhang. 2019. Social innovation in service: a conceptual framework and research agenda, Journal of Service Management, 30(3): 429-448.
Kim, Shinyoung, Jungsun Han, and Sunmee Choi. 2019. The Effect of the Option Price Framing of a Service Product on Customers’ Cognitive and Affective Responses, Yonsei Business Review, 56(1): 107-135.
Lee, Mi Ri, Sooyun Kim, and Sunmee Choi. 2019. Workscape : Determinants and A 22-Item Scale of Physical Surroundings for Employees, Yonsei Business Review, 56(1): 107-135.
Breidbach, Christoph, Choi, Sunmee, Ellway, Ben P., Keating, Byron W., Kormusheva, Katerina, Kowakaski, Christian, Lim, Chiehyeon, and Maglio, Paul P. 2018. Operating without operations: How is technology changing the role of the firm?, Journal of Service Management, 29(5): 809-833.
Park, Geebum, Sunmee Choi, and Sooyun Kim. 2018. What Would Customers Prefer, Personal Loss-Recovery or Social-Order-Restoration?: The Case of Norm-breaking Behaviors of Other Customers, Korean Journal of Service Management, 19(5): 191-224.
Merchant, Altaf, Gregory Rose, Drew Martin, Sunmee Choi, and Mohit Gour. 2017. Cross-cultural folk-tale-elicitation research on the perceived power, humanistic and religious symbolisms, and use of money, Journal of Business Research. 74(May):113-119.
Kim, Shinyoung, Sunmee Choi, and Rohit Verma. 2017. Providing feedback to service customers: The effect of the presentation order and repetition of feedback types. Journal of Service Management, 28(2): 389-416.
Kim, Sooyun, Geebum Park, Yeonjoo Lee, and Sunmee Choi. 2016. Customer emotions and their triggers in luxury retail: Understanding the effects of customer emotions before and after entering a luxury shop. Journal of Business Research. 62(12): 5809-5818.
Martin, Drew, Anders Gustafsson and Sunmee Choi. 2016. Service innovation, renewal, and adoption/rejection in dynamic global contexts. Journal of Business Research. 69:2397-2400.
Kim, Eunhee, Sunmee Choi, Heejin Kim and Shinyoung Kim. 2016. The Impact of Humor in a Service Announcement on Customer Intention to Comply with the Message. Korean Journal of Service Management, 17(2): 159-183.
Kim, Sooyun, Geebum Park and Sunmee Choi. 2015. Service customer’s active role-play and its impact on customer perceptions of service outcome. Journal of Business and Management. 4(4): 39-58.
Koo, Hyunjung, Shinyoung Kim and Sunmee Choi. 2015. Exteriorscape: Physical surroundings of a service outlet in a shopping mall. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. 25(2): 153–166.
Choi, Sunmee, Baek Jihyun and Kang Hayoung. 2013. Customer contact employees' commitment to extra-role customer service: the effect of internal service quality perception. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. 23(2): 144–158.
Choi, Sunmee and Sooyun Kim. 2013. Effects of a reward program on inducing desirable customer behaviors: The role of purchase purpose, reward type and reward redemption timing. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 32: 237- 244.
Kim, Sooyun and Sunmee Choi. 2012. A Study on Service Guarantee and Service Employee’s Performance Intention: Effect of Self-Efficacy and Sense of Responsibility. Yonsei Business Review. 49(2): 169-186.
Kim, Shinyoung , Sunmee Choi and Soonhong Min. 2012. “Experience Room” Experience: A Definition and Its Effects on Consumer Responses. Korean Journal of Service Management. 13(5): 177 – 202.
Mattila, Anna S. and Sunmee Choi. 2012. Societal Norms, Need for Closure, and Service Recovery. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 24(5): 356-371.
Kang, Seongho, Hayoung Kang and Sunmee Choi. 2011. A Study on the Influence of National Culture on the Alliance Relationship Formation. Journal of Marketing Management Research. 16(4): 1-17.
Kim, Dongkyun and Sunmee Choi. 2011. An Empirical Examination of Situational and Individual Determinants of Customer Expectations for Service Recovery. Korean Journal of Service Management. 12(3): 1-26.
Kang, Seongho, Sunmee Choi, Heungsoo Park and Jeong Woo. 2011. The Effect of Market Orientation on Business Performance: Focus on Mediating Role of New Product Development Performance. Yonsei Business Review. 48(1): 1-32.
Lee, Jangwon, Daesik Hur and Sunmee Choi. 2011. A simulation study of restaurant table management systems for revenue maximization. Korean Production Management Research Journal. 22(2): 215 - 234.
Kim, Dongkyun and Sunmee Choi. 2011. An Empirical Examination of Situational and Individual Determinants of Customer Expectations for Service Recovery, Korean Journal of Service Management. 12(3): 1-26.
Kang, Seongho, Sunmee Choi, Heungsoo Park and Jeong Woo. 2011. An Exploration of New product development (NPD) process performance as a Missing Link between Market Orientation and Organizational performance. Yonsei Business Review. 48(1): 1-32.
Lee, Jangwon, Daesik Hur and Sunmee Choi. 2011. A simulation study of restaurant table management systems for revenue maximization. Korean Production Management Research Journal. 22(2): 215 - 234.
Park, Jinkyung, Sunmee Choi. 2010. Implementation of TQM through the process of acquiring an internationally acknowledged quality certification: The case of Severance Hospital. Yonsei Business Review. 47(1): 93 – 117.
Park, Heungsoo, Sunmee Choi, Seongho Kang and Gaeeun Kwon. 2009. Success Strategy of Yuhan-Kimberly’s Huggies Magic Panty through Product Repositioning. Korean Journal of Marketing, 11(3): 185-203.
Choi, Sunmee, Anna Mattila, Heungsoo Park and Seongho Kang. 2009. The Effect of Cross-Channel Price Dis/parity on Ethicality Evaluations and Purchase Intent: The Moderating Role of Price Frame. Journal of Marketing Channels. 16(2): 131-147.
Choi, Donghyun, Taehyun Kim and Sunmee Choi. 2009. An investigation on the dynamic nature of service productivity: A hospital emergency room case. Korean Production Management Research Journal. 20(2): 3-29.
Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2008. Perceived Fairness of Price Differences across Channels: The Moderating Role of Price Frame and Norm. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 17(1): 39-49.
Choi, Sunmee and Sumin Shin. 2008. Consumer Product Company, PenCo’s Customer-Driven Redesign of National Logistics Network. Yonsei Business Review. 45(2): 235-262.
Heungsoo Park, Sunmee Choi, Kang, Seongho and Jeong Woo. 2008. The Antecedents of Successful Inter-Firm Cooperation. Korean Management Research Journal. 37(5): 1263-1285.
Choi, Sunmee, Taehyun Kim, Daesik Hur and Misook Yun. 2008. An Exploration of the Applicability of Differential Pricing to Repair Services. Korean Journal of Service Management. 9(3): 151-182.
Kang, Seongho, Sunmee Choi, Heungsoo Park and Jeong Woo. 2008. The Effect of Market Orientation on Firm’s Financial Performance: Focus on the Mediating Role of CRM Performance. Korean Journal of Consumer Studies. 19(3): 21-37.
Kim, Taehyun, Seongam Moon, Sunmee Choi and Donghyun Choi. 2008. Dynamics Approach to Duopoly Price Competition: Focused on B2B Context. Korean Logistics Studies. 16(1): 17-33.
Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2008. Perceived controllability and service expectations: Influences on customer reactions following service failure. Journal of Business Research 61(1): 24-30.
Choi, Sunmee, Taehyun Kim, Jinhyun Park and Sooyeon Kim. 2007. On improving service quality SERVQUAL, HOQ, SPD. Korean Production Management Research Journal. 18(3): 135-161.
Mattila, Anna and Sunmee Choi. 2006. A Cross-cultural Comparison of Perceived Fairness and Satisfaction in the Context of Hotel Room Pricing. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25(1): 136-153.
Choi, Sunmee. 2006. “Group Revenue Management: A Model for Evaluating Group Profitability,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 47(3): 1-11.
Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2006. “The Role of Disclosure in Variable Hotel Pricing: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Customers’ Fairness Perceptions” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 47(1): 27-35.
Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2005. “Impact of Information on Customer Fairness Perceptions of Hotel Revenue Management,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 46(4): 444-451.
Mattila, Anna and Sunmee Choi. 2005. “The Impact of Hotel Pricing Policies on Perceived Fairness and Satisfaction with the Reservation Process,” Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 13(1): 25-39.
Choi, Sunmee. 2005. “An Evaluation of a Contribution Enhancement Opportunity for Hotels,” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 29: 32-39.
Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2004. “Hotel Revenue Management and Its Impact on Customer Fairness Perception,” Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2(4): 303-314.
Choi, Sunmee and Sheryl E. Kimes. 2002. “Electronic Distribution Channels’ Effect on Hotel Revenue Management,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 43(3): 23-31.
Kimes, Sheryl E., Richard B. Chase, Sunmee Choi, Philip Lee and Elizabeth N. Ngonzi. 1998. “Restaurant Revenue Management: Applying Yield Management to the Restaurant Industry,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 39(3): 32-39.
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SKÄɹÌÄ®, 2024 - ÇöÀç
International Advisory Board, Nyenrode Business University, ³×´ú¶õµå ¾Ï½ºÅ׸£´ã, 2023 - ÇöÀç