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  • ÃÖ¼±¹Ì
  • Àü°ø   Operations Management (OM)
    Ph.D. Cornell University
  • ¿¬±¸½Ç   °æ¿µ°ü 653
  • ¿¬¶ôó   02-2123-5479
  • À̸ÞÀÏ   sc128@yonsei.ac.kr


Ph.D. Cornell University (¹Ú»ç, ÄÚ³Ú´ëÇб³)

M.S. Cornell University (¼®»ç, ÄÚ³Ú´ëÇб³)

B.A. Yonsei University (Çлç, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³)



Founding Dean, College of Business and Management, VinUniversity, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2020.7-2022,8 (ºó´ëÇÐ °æ¿µ´ëÇÐ ÃÊ´ëÇÐÀå)

Head of ODI Department,  School of Business, Yonsei University, 2018,3-2019,2 (ODIºÐ¾ß ÁÖÀÓ±³¼ö)

Vice Dean, Office of International Affairs, Yonsei University, 2014.3-2016.2 (±¹Á¦Ã³ ºÎóÀå)

Professor in Charge, Academic Programs, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2012.12-2014.2 (¼®¹Ú»ç°úÁ¤ ÁÖÀÓ±³¼ö)

Associate Dean (Interntional Affairs), School of Business, Yonsei University, 2009.3-2010.2 (ºÎÇÐÀå, ±¹Á¦´ã´ç)


Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2013-Present (Á¤±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ °æ¿µÇаú)

Associate Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2008-2012 (ºÎ±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ °æ¿µÇаú)

Assistant Professor, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2005-2008 (Á¶±³¼ö, ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ °æ¿µÇаú)

Visiting Assistant Professor, ESSEC Business School, 2003-2006 (¹æ¹®Á¶±³¼ö, ÇÁ¶û½º ¿¡¼½°æ¿µ´ëÇÐ)

Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University, 2002-2004 (Á¶±³¼ö, Ææ½Çº£´Ï¾Æ ÁÖ¸³´ëÇÐ)

Visiting Assistant Professor, Cornell University, 2001-2002 (¹æ¹®Á¶±³¼ö, ÄÚ³Ú´ëÇб³)


Priceline.com, Director of Revenue Management, 1999-2000 (¼öÀÍ°ü¸® ºÎÀå, ¹Ì±¹ ÇÁ¶óÀ̽º¶óÀδåÄÄ)

Reservations Manager, Hyatt Regency Suites Perimeter Northwest, 1996-1997 (¿¹¾à°ü¸® °úÀå, ¹Ì±¹ ÇϾæƮȣÅÚ)

Assistant General Manager, Hampton Inn, Greenville, SC, USA, 1995-1996 (ºÎÃÑÁö¹èÀÎ, ¹Ì±¹ ÇÜÇÁÅÏÀÎ)


Production & operations management (»ý»ê°ú¿î¿µ°ü¸®)

Service management (¼­ºñ½º°æ¿µ)

Revenue management (¼öÀͰ濵)



Service operations management (¼­ºñ½º¿î¿µ°ü¸®)

Revenue management (¼öÀͰ濵)

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Pecot, Fabien, Gregory Rose, Altaf Merchant, and Sunmee Choi. 2022. Brand heritage across cultures: U.S.A., France and South Kore. Journal of Brand Management, 30(1): 49-60.

Bu, Ruoyu, Sunmee Choi, and Soyon Baek. 2022. Faster or Slower? The Impact of Meal Pace on the Solo Diner’s Dining Experience. Korean Journal of Service Management, 23(4): 62-87.

Lee, Woohyun, Sooyun Kim, and Sunmee Choi. 2022. How to Induce Customer Cooperation in the B2C Sharing-Service Context: Exploring the Role of a Reward Program’s Design Factors and Communication Factor. Korean Journal of Service Management, 23(3): 69-100.

Kim, Sooyun and Sunmee Choi, 2022. Service Quality Issues in the Triad of Sharing Services: Conceptualization of Issues and Propositions for Solutions. Korean Production Management Research Journal, 33(2): 261~281.

Aksoy, Lerzan, Sunmee Choi, Tarik Dogru, Timothy Keiningham, Melanie Lorenz, Daniel Rubin and J. Bruce Tracey. 2022. Global Trends in Hospitality, Journal of Business Research,14: 957-973.

Lee, Yeonjoo, Sunmee Choi, and Joy M. Field. 2020. Development and Validation of the Pick-up Service Quality Scale of the Buy-Online-Pick-up-in-Store Service, Operations Management Research, 13(3): 218-232.

Kim, Jiyoung, Sunmee Choi, and Drew Martin. 2020. The effect of a customer’s perceived customer-to-customer interaction quality on the customer’s perceived service quality, Journal of Services Marketing, 34(4): 459-472.

Kang, Jooyoung, Sunmee Choi, Sooyun Kim, and Heejin Kim. 2019. The Role of Social Distance in the Collaborative Consumption, Korean Journal of Service Management, 20(4): 41-72.

Kim, Sooyun, and Sunmee Choi. 2019. Designing a customer message for compliance in the B2C sharing service context, Korean Production Management Research Journal. 30(3): 193-213.

Aksoy, Lerzan, Linda Alkire (née Nasr), Sunmee Choi, Peter Kim, and Lu Zhang. 2019. Social innovation in service: a conceptual framework and research agenda, Journal of Service Management, 30(3): 429-448.

Kim, Shinyoung, Jungsun Han, and Sunmee Choi. 2019. The Effect of the Option Price Framing of a Service Product on Customers’ Cognitive and Affective Responses, Yonsei Business Review, 56(1): 107-135.

Lee, Mi Ri, Sooyun Kim, and Sunmee Choi. 2019. Workscape : Determinants and A 22-Item Scale of Physical Surroundings for Employees, Yonsei Business Review, 56(1): 107-135.

Breidbach, Christoph, Choi, Sunmee, Ellway, Ben P., Keating, Byron W., Kormusheva, Katerina, Kowakaski, Christian, Lim, Chiehyeon, and Maglio, Paul P. 2018. Operating without operations: How is technology changing the role of the firm?, Journal of Service Management, 29(5): 809-833.

Park, Geebum, Sunmee Choi, and Sooyun Kim. 2018. What Would Customers Prefer, Personal Loss-Recovery or Social-Order-Restoration?: The Case of Norm-breaking Behaviors of Other Customers, Korean Journal of Service Management, 19(5): 191-224.

Merchant, Altaf, Gregory Rose, Drew Martin, Sunmee Choi, and Mohit Gour. 2017. Cross-cultural folk-tale-elicitation research on the perceived power, humanistic and religious symbolisms, and use of money, Journal of Business Research. 74(May):113-119.

Kim, Shinyoung, Sunmee Choi, and Rohit Verma. 2017. Providing feedback to service customers: The effect of the presentation order and repetition of feedback types. Journal of Service Management, 28(2): 389-416.

Kim, Sooyun, Geebum Park, Yeonjoo Lee, and Sunmee Choi. 2016. Customer emotions and their triggers in luxury retail: Understanding the effects of customer emotions before and after entering a luxury shop. Journal of Business Research. 62(12): 5809-5818.

Martin, Drew, Anders Gustafsson and Sunmee Choi. 2016. Service innovation, renewal, and adoption/rejection in dynamic global contexts. Journal of Business Research. 69:2397-2400.

Kim, Eunhee, Sunmee Choi, Heejin Kim and Shinyoung Kim. 2016. The Impact of Humor in a Service Announcement on Customer Intention to Comply with the Message. Korean Journal of Service Management, 17(2): 159-183.

Kim, Sooyun, Geebum Park and Sunmee Choi. 2015. Service customer’s active role-play and its impact on customer perceptions of service outcome. Journal of Business and Management. 4(4): 39-58.

Koo, Hyunjung, Shinyoung Kim and Sunmee Choi. 2015. Exteriorscape: Physical surroundings of a service outlet in a shopping mall. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. 25(2): 153–166.

Choi, Sunmee, Baek Jihyun and Kang Hayoung. 2013. Customer contact employees' commitment to extra-role customer service: the effect of internal service quality perception. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science. 23(2): 144–158.

Choi, Sunmee and Sooyun Kim. 2013. Effects of a reward program on inducing desirable customer behaviors: The role of purchase purpose, reward type and reward redemption timing. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 32: 237- 244.

Kim, Sooyun and Sunmee Choi. 2012. A Study on Service Guarantee and Service Employee’s Performance Intention: Effect of Self-Efficacy and Sense of Responsibility. Yonsei Business Review. 49(2): 169-186.

Kim, Shinyoung , Sunmee Choi and Soonhong Min. 2012. “Experience Room” Experience: A Definition and Its Effects on Consumer Responses. Korean Journal of Service Management. 13(5): 177 – 202.

Mattila, Anna S. and Sunmee Choi. 2012. Societal Norms, Need for Closure, and Service Recovery. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 24(5): 356-371.

Kang, Seongho, Hayoung Kang and Sunmee Choi. 2011. A Study on the Influence of National Culture on the Alliance Relationship Formation. Journal of Marketing Management Research. 16(4): 1-17.

Kim, Dongkyun and Sunmee Choi. 2011. An Empirical Examination of Situational and Individual Determinants of Customer Expectations for Service Recovery. Korean Journal of Service Management. 12(3): 1-26.

Kang, Seongho, Sunmee Choi, Heungsoo Park and Jeong Woo. 2011. The Effect of Market Orientation on Business Performance: Focus on Mediating Role of New Product Development Performance. Yonsei Business Review. 48(1): 1-32.

Lee, Jangwon, Daesik Hur and Sunmee Choi. 2011. A simulation study of restaurant table management systems for revenue maximization. Korean Production Management Research Journal. 22(2): 215 - 234.

Kim, Dongkyun and Sunmee Choi. 2011. An Empirical Examination of Situational and Individual Determinants of Customer Expectations for Service Recovery, Korean Journal of Service Management. 12(3): 1-26.

Kang, Seongho, Sunmee Choi, Heungsoo Park and Jeong Woo. 2011. An Exploration of New product development (NPD) process performance as a Missing Link between Market Orientation and Organizational performance. Yonsei Business Review. 48(1): 1-32.

Lee, Jangwon, Daesik Hur and Sunmee Choi. 2011. A simulation study of restaurant table management systems for revenue maximization. Korean Production Management Research Journal. 22(2): 215 - 234.

Park, Jinkyung, Sunmee Choi. 2010. Implementation of TQM through the process of acquiring an internationally acknowledged quality certification: The case of Severance Hospital. Yonsei Business Review. 47(1): 93 – 117.

Park, Heungsoo, Sunmee Choi, Seongho Kang and Gaeeun Kwon. 2009. Success Strategy of Yuhan-Kimberly’s Huggies Magic Panty through Product Repositioning. Korean Journal of Marketing, 11(3): 185-203.

Choi, Sunmee, Anna Mattila, Heungsoo Park and Seongho Kang. 2009. The Effect of Cross-Channel Price Dis/parity on Ethicality Evaluations and Purchase Intent: The Moderating Role of Price Frame. Journal of Marketing Channels. 16(2): 131-147.

Choi, Donghyun, Taehyun Kim and Sunmee Choi. 2009. An investigation on the dynamic nature of service productivity: A hospital emergency room case. Korean Production Management Research Journal. 20(2): 3-29.

Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2008. Perceived Fairness of Price Differences across Channels: The Moderating Role of Price Frame and Norm. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 17(1): 39-49.

Choi, Sunmee and Sumin Shin. 2008. Consumer Product Company, PenCo’s Customer-Driven Redesign of National Logistics Network. Yonsei Business Review. 45(2): 235-262.

Heungsoo Park, Sunmee Choi, Kang, Seongho and Jeong Woo. 2008. The Antecedents of Successful Inter-Firm Cooperation. Korean Management Research Journal. 37(5): 1263-1285.

Choi, Sunmee, Taehyun Kim, Daesik Hur and Misook Yun. 2008. An Exploration of the Applicability of Differential Pricing to Repair Services. Korean Journal of Service Management. 9(3): 151-182.

Kang, Seongho, Sunmee Choi, Heungsoo Park and Jeong Woo. 2008. The Effect of Market Orientation on Firm’s Financial Performance: Focus on the Mediating Role of CRM Performance. Korean Journal of Consumer Studies. 19(3): 21-37.

Kim, Taehyun, Seongam Moon, Sunmee Choi and Donghyun Choi. 2008. Dynamics Approach to Duopoly Price Competition: Focused on B2B Context. Korean Logistics Studies. 16(1): 17-33.

Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2008. Perceived controllability and service expectations: Influences on customer reactions following service failure. Journal of Business Research 61(1): 24-30.

Choi, Sunmee, Taehyun Kim, Jinhyun Park and Sooyeon Kim. 2007. On improving service quality SERVQUAL, HOQ, SPD. Korean Production Management Research Journal. 18(3): 135-161.

Mattila, Anna and Sunmee Choi. 2006. A Cross-cultural Comparison of Perceived Fairness and Satisfaction in the Context of Hotel Room Pricing. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25(1): 136-153.

Choi, Sunmee. 2006. “Group Revenue Management: A Model for Evaluating Group Profitability,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 47(3): 1-11.

Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2006. “The Role of Disclosure in Variable Hotel Pricing: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Customers’ Fairness Perceptions” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 47(1): 27-35.

Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2005. “Impact of Information on Customer Fairness Perceptions of Hotel Revenue Management,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 46(4): 444-451.

Mattila, Anna and Sunmee Choi. 2005. “The Impact of Hotel Pricing Policies on Perceived Fairness and Satisfaction with the Reservation Process,” Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 13(1): 25-39.

Choi, Sunmee. 2005. “An Evaluation of a Contribution Enhancement Opportunity for Hotels,” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 29: 32-39.

Choi, Sunmee and Anna Mattila. 2004. “Hotel Revenue Management and Its Impact on Customer Fairness Perception,” Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2(4): 303-314.

Choi, Sunmee and Sheryl E. Kimes. 2002. “Electronic Distribution Channels’ Effect on Hotel Revenue Management,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 43(3): 23-31.

Kimes, Sheryl E., Richard B. Chase, Sunmee Choi, Philip Lee and Elizabeth N. Ngonzi. 1998.  “Restaurant Revenue Management: Applying Yield Management to the Restaurant Industry,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 39(3): 32-39.

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Renaissance-Inspired Creative Management (¸£³×»ó½º âÁ¶°æ¿µ), 21st Century Books, July 2008


Revenue Management. 2015. Edited by Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park. pp. 652-654. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, USA.

Revenue Management: A Practical Pricing Perspective2011. Edited by Ian Yeoman and Una McMahon-Beattie. Ch. 16. Practical Pricing and the Restaurant Industry: Application of Revenue Management Principles to Pricing Menus and Services, Palgrave Macmillan, England


Associate Editor, Services Sciences, INFORMS, USA
Editorial Board Member, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Sage Publications, USA
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Sage Publications, USA
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Channels, Taylor & Francis, UK
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, M.E. Sharpe, USA
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Emerald Group Publishing, UK
Editorial Board Member, European Journal of Marketing, Emerald Group Publishing, USA
Editorial Board Member, Korean Production Management Research Journal, Korea
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, Korea


Best Teaching Award, VinUniversity, 2021
Best Teaching Award, Yonsei University, 2008, 2013, 2018
Best Teaching Award, School of Business, Yonsei University, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018
Best paper award, Korea Service Management, 2023
Best paper award, Korean Production & Operations Management Conference, 2018
Article of the Year, Korean Production Management Research Journal, 2010
Best Paper Award, Korea Service Management Society and Korean Standards Association, 2008, 2010.
Article of the Year, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2006
Highly commended paper of the year, Journal of Service Management, 2019
Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, 2019
Who’s Who in the World, 2018
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 2003



SKÄɹÌÄ®, 2024 - ÇöÀç


International Advisory Board, Nyenrode Business University, ³×´ú¶õµå ¾Ï½ºÅ׸£´ã, 2023 - ÇöÀç


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